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Factors affecting full color LED display


Failure rate

Since a full-color display consists of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pixels consisting of red, green, and blue LEDs, the failure of any color LED will affect the overall visual effect of the display. Generally speaking, according to industry experience, the failure rate of the LED display before assembly starts 72 hours before shipment should not be higher than three parts per million (referred to the failure caused by the LED device itself).


2.Antistatic ability

LED is a kind of semiconductor device sensitive to static electricity, which can easily cause static electricity failure. Therefore, antistatic ability is very important for the life of the display. Generally speaking, the failure voltage of LED body static mode test should not be lower than 2000V.


3. Attenuation characteristics

Red, green, and blue LEDs have a characteristic of decreasing brightness as the operating time increases. The quality of LED chips, the quality of auxiliary materials and the level of packaging technology determine the decay rate of LEDs. Generally speaking, after 1000 hours and 20 mA lighting test, the attenuation of red LED should be less than 10%, and the attenuation of blue and green LED should be less than 15%. The consistency of red, green and blue attenuation has a great impact on the future white balance of full-color LED displays, further affecting the display fidelity of the display.


4. Brightness

LED brightness is an important determinant of screen brightness. The higher the brightness of the LED, the greater the current tolerance. This helps to save power and keep the LED stable. Leds have different Angle values. The smaller the angle, the brighter the LED, but the smaller the viewing angle of the display. Generally, a 100-degree LED should be selected to ensure a sufficient viewing angle of the display. For displays with different pitch and line of sight, a balance should be struck between brightness, angle and price.


5. Consistency

The full-color display consists of countless red, green, and blue LED pixels. The consistency of the brightness and wavelength of each color of the LED determines the consistency of the brightness, white balance, and color of the entire display. In general, display manufacturers require equipment suppliers to provide LEDs with a wavelength range of 5nm and a brightness range of 1: 1. Voltage consistency is usually not required.

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